subscription for Christmas( I really wanted plastique but their site was down so I ended up getting jalouse.) I came across the crash website and it doesn't tell you where to buy it but it has lots of their old editorials uploaded on the site. the editorials are amazing and I love the way when you see them all together you can see how much they vary. some are dreamy and ethereal

whilst others are very stark black and white.

One thing that sets apart crash from other magazines such as vogue or even smaller publications like pop is that a lot of the time,especially when they are using younger models,they actually look like people. they are not overly photoshopped and they look like people you know which is nice because there is very little realism in magazines these days.

while there is a certain amount of realism there still is that aesthetic quality that people read magazines for and there are still editorials that have a fantasy theme.

Another thing I like about crash is the amount of male models they use.I think that male models are completely under used and when they are, they are usually topless and just an accessory to a female model.

while there still is a little bit of this in crash they are also used in edgier editorials by themselves which proves that they are not just sex symbols.

So if you have some spare time it id defiantly worth giving the site a look
and if you are in an area where you would be able to buy it I strongly advise you too because aside from the stunning editorials there are really well written and interesting articles which cover a wide range of topics like art and music so its not strictly fashion and while it is in French the articles are translated into English at the back
I hope this didn't sound too much like an ad!