When I was younger I was obsessed with the tv show of the comic sailor moon. I had lots of the merchandise like notebooks but never dolls as I never came across any.When I moved back home to Ireland there wasn't any sailor moon anywhere and I guess it juts never reached here which is a shame because its one of the best kids cartoons.I was reminded of this girl i saw in Tokyo last year when I came across a Tuxedo mask doll online. Tuxedo mask was Sailor Moon's love interest.He was a mild mannered student by day but at night he became Tuxedo Mask and his weapon of choice was roses.

I didn't get a very good picture of her because i was too afraid to ask but you get an idea of what she looked like from these. It might just be me and she might be dressing up as something completely different but she reminds me a lot of Tuxedo Mask. It was hilarious seeing this tiny figure( she was about 4 foot something and looked very young) wandering around the crowed streets of Harajuku dressed in a cape and top hat. Despite her being about a foot smaller then everyone else she defiantly stood out
I'll leave you with the Japanese titles as I couldn't find any good quality English dubbed ones and the English translation to the theme song.Even the credits are amazing!
Fighting evil by moonlight
Winning love by daylight
Never running from a real fight
She is the one named Sailor Moon
She will...never turn her back on a friend
She is... always there to defend
She is...the one on whom we can depend
She is the one named Sailor.....
.... Sailor Venus
.... Sailor Mercury
.... Sailor Mars
..... Sailor Jupiter
With secret powers
All so new to her
She is the one named Sailor Moon
Fighting evil by moonlight
Winning love by daylight
With her Sailor Scouts to help fight
She is the one named Sailor Moon
She is the one named Sailor Moon
She is the one . . . Sailor Moon