so many of my favourite bands are finally releasing albums soon! it sucks when a band doesn't have an album because I don't like singles so I wait to buy the whole album!

the teenagers deput is on sale in march but its on download now.I love the teenagers so much they are defiantly one of my favourite bands! I've seen them twice once in Paris once here and they so good. they are the essence of cool and I met them after their gig here and they were really nice as well! I'm also on their flikr because I'm that cool...jealous much? anyway this is there myspace where they have a couple songs up. they had the whole album up for a couple days and I gave it a listen and its top notch
Another band whose album is out now I believe is lightspeed champions.
remember test icicles?
they had that hit circle square triangle which I love so much and they are thought to have been the pioneers of the nu rave/metal scene but they never got much commercial success.They look so cool I'd say if they were around now they would be big,they were too ahead of their time hahaha
well anyway
Devonte Hynes of test icicles has a new band and its dramatically different to test icicles its very mellow and teenage angsty. When you think about it its funny just how different the bands are. he has a cute blog
where he details his life in a very emo way which is quite endearing actually. Anyway you should check his band out if you don't know them at their myspace
Ham sandwich is an Irish band from kells( but lets just ignore that!) I have seen them twice and both times they have blown me away. They are one of those bands who even f you don't like them that much on record you will love them live. When my father first heard them he said they sounded like joy division but I don't get that comparison.All I know is that they are amazing and their album is probably the one I'm looking forward to the most.The lead singer Niamh has great style and amazing stage clothes,its embarrassing to admit this but I really admire her because she's cool and you never see cool Irish people so its nice to know that there are some out there.The videos of them on the late late show and you get some sense of what their like live
gotta love Pat Kenny as well! Ham sandwich's album is on sale from the 15 of feburary
The last band I can remember that is releasing an album soon is Foals.I saw Foals supporting bloc party and they were really good on stage. Unfortunately since they were support no one really payed attention to them and I had really annoying smelly people beside me( who actually smelt so bad I don't know what it was) who kept shouting words from hummer over and over again even when the band wasn't even playing hummer! Seriously if you only know one song,don't advertise it.Since then I've wanted to see them play live again and they are coming to Dublin on the 6th of march in Whelan's but of course its over 18s! I was uber upset( a bit of alliteration for you) when I heard. There album is on sale in march,no date yet.I've seen them on all of the big in 2008 lists so I've a feeling they will make it this
I'm going to have to start saving up to get all of these!